Sports Psychology Training

Eliminating the divide between potential and performance

Adalyne Fettig MA 


The way to give athletes, teams and coaches a way to elevate and master their craft through building their Mindset.

Developing tools and solutions to sustain a high level of confidence, focus, resilience, and growth-mindset in every situation.


Adalyne Fettig is the Founder of Mindset in Motion. Her vision is to create a bulletproof system for athletes and coaches to perform at their highest capabilities under any circumstance.

Adalyne Fettig is a MA in Sports Psychology, certified Breathwork Consultant, and connected to the global Sports Psychology association (AASP).

What Mindset in Motion can Look Like

Generalized Performance Enhancement

Getting athletes to the next level through building infrastructures to push athletes and teams further, faster. Mentality is one of the most overlooked components that factor into a performance, however, it is the determining factor of success. Targeted ways to get your mindset to work for you.

Injury Recovery

Injury recovery can be one of the most mentally challenging components of athletics. Rather than going through it alone, there are methodologies that allow athletes to find a new found sense of confidence, resilience, and consistency through recovery. With the appropriate support and skills, athletes can come back stronger and more effectively.

Team Building

The cohesion and connection of a team plays a huge role in the success of that team. Navigating how to compete as a unit can present unique challenges as roles change, personnel develops, and expectations shift. Through various leadership tools and group development, teams can find a strong rooted sense of connection that creates an undeniable level of success.

Coaches Development

Establish strong lines of communication, ways to push athletes to the next level, and support in finding solutions to challenges that arise throughout the season. Understanding the complete role mentality plays in performance can provide a new, well rounded perspective that allows for growth within your team.







Grit · Focus · Leadership ·







Intensity · Composure · Confidence ·